Intel stacks up the sector's densest solid nation pressure.

Intel stacks up the sector's densest solid nation pressure.

Intel has unveiled what it calls the sector's densest solid kingdom pressure (SSD), packing 32 TB right into a device the dimensions of an old 12-inch ruler. The improvement have to assist data facilities get more bang for his or her dollar, cutting the cost of cooling and making greater efficient use of the physical area.

Dubbed the Intel SSD DC P4500, the brand new force crams 32 TB into a rectangular form measuring 12 x 1.5 x zero.Three in (30.Five x three.8 x 0.8 cm). It's constructed the usage of 3D NAND architecture, stacking sixty four layers of memory cells on pinnacle of each other. Intel says the gadgets can live cool with most effective about half the airflow that a difficult disk requires.

32 of Intel's new P4500 SSDs can fit into one fashionable server slot, for a total...
The P4500's ruler shape component method that 32 of them will suit into one wellknown server fit in a information middle, totaling a massive 1 petabyte (PB) of statistics garage in step with slot. These 3-D NAND SSDs would require simply 10 percent of the electricity that 1 PB of tough disks could use, and simplest take up 5 percent of the bodily space.

These SSDs aren't the type that purchasers will be able to cram into their domestic PCs, however the average Joe and Jane can be able to advantage thru the faster cloud services from organizations like IBM, Microsoft and Tencent, who might be among the first to use the new P4500s in their large records facilities.